Friday, 24 April 2015

Daniel Eatock - Manifestos

Daniel Eatock is a graphic designer who's most famous work was his creation and development of the 'Big Brother Eye'. A design with very distinctive look which has still allowed itself to be manipulated over the years to keep itself current, something I should look into for my New Visual Language project. 

Something that Eatock does, which has influenced numerous other designers, is create a manifesto of what to do in future. Below is his 'Mini Manifesto'

Mini Manifesto
  1. Begin with ideas.
  2. Embrace chance.
  3. Celebrate coincidence.
  4. Ad–lib and make things up.
  5. Eliminate superfluous elements.
  6. Subvert expectation.
  7. Make something difficult look easy.
  8. Be first or last.
  9. Believe complex ideas can produce simple things.
  10. Trust the process.
  11. Allow concepts to determine form.
  12. Reduce material and production to their essence.
  13. Sustain the integrity of an idea.
  14. Propose honesty as a solution.
As part of my research into him I am going to attempt to create my own mini manifesto in reference to design:
  1. Start with a some sort of concept
  2. Allow it do develop naturally
  3. Don't fear the blank page
  4. Scribbles are your friend
  5. Soft Brushes are not
  6. Believe in your insticts
  7. Less can be more
  8. More can be more
  9. Don't hate it just because you made it
  10. Let an idea brew
  11. Don't dismiss something straight away
  12. Embrace criticism

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